All loans are subject to credit assessment

Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

Domain Private Capital Australia Pty Ltd T/A Domain Private Capital (“we”/”us”/”our”) is committed to adhering to the Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles, collectively referred to in this policy as “Australian Privacy Law.”

This General Privacy Policy applies to all individuals accessing our website, engaging with us, or from whom we gather personal information. We also collect personal and credit information from individuals applying for or receiving credit from us. Our aim is to comply not only with Australian Privacy Law but also with the Credit Information Privacy Code. Those who apply for credit, receive credit, or guarantee credit from us are further protected by our Credit Information Privacy Policy. Individuals seeking to modify payment terms due to hardship will be additionally safeguarded by our Hardship Privacy Policy.

2. Pseudonyms

You have the option to withhold your name and personal information. You are permitted by law to use an alternative name. However, we will require your real name and verifiable personal information before proceeding with any dealings.

We are legally obligated to verify your identity before providing credit, as outlined in our Credit Information Privacy Policy.

3. Types of Personal Information We Collect

By accessing our website or engaging with us, you agree to our General Privacy Policy concerning the collection of personal information from the website.

Following your visit to our website, we may collect and store information, including:

  • Domain name and IP address of your internet-connected computer
  • Date and time of website access
  • Internet address of the site from which you linked to our website
  • Pages visited during your time on our website
  • Email address collected through the use of cookies, anonymous identifiers, and session variables

We may also collect personal information directly from you, including:

  • Name
  • Address and previous addresses
  • Date of birth
  • Employment history
  • Email address
  • Telephone numbers
  • References and referees’ names and addresses

Applying for credit entails collecting and storing credit information in addition to the above personal information, governed by our Credit Information Privacy Policy. Those applying for payment adjustments due to hardship may provide sensitive information, regulated by our Hardship Privacy Policy.